Better Speech and Hearing Month

Better Hearing & Speech Month

Communication Resolutions 


Better Hearing & Speech Month is a great time to foster new

communication routines, learn new skills and correct bad communication habits.  Consider making effective communication  a focus for your class or your family with one or more of the following “communication resolutions.”


  • Make eye contact: This is an important social skill that demonstrates attention and

lets your communication partner know you are engaged in the conversation (Even better….use your conversational partner’s name as you speak to them)


  • Avoid dividing your attention: When speaking to your students or children, give them your undivided attention. If you cannot do that at a particular moment, let them know that and set up another time to talk. If you model undivided attention during communication, you will have better luck getting their  undivided attention later!


  • Encourage Auditory Attention: Teachers, avoid giving examples after each instruction. This encourages your students to ignore the oral instructions and wait for the “demonstration”. Build those auditory and language skills by coaxing your students to depend on “their ears” more often.


  • Speak slowly and clearly: Make sure to remember the beginning, middle, and end sounds of words.


  • Read out loud: Reading is beneficial for language development in many ways. It

increases vocabulary skills and encourages understanding of language.


  • Ask more questions: Use specific questions to elicit stories from your students and/or children. Prompt them to “explain”.  Remember to listen to the answers.


  • Retell stories: After students watch a movie, read a book, or see something exciting happen at the store, encourage them to retell the story. Don’t let them off the hook when the explanation gets difficult. Encourage them to struggle through.


  • Give your voice a break: Avoid yelling, shouting and excessive throat clearing, particularly during allergy season when the vocal folds are especially vulnerable. It is

important to save your voice and keep it healthy!

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As you work on these communication resolutions, class and family interactions will improve!  Vocabulary skills, listening skills and social skills will improve.